079 950 3245
We act as agents for sellers of household contents. You can now buy directly off the website before the sale.
Pay IN FULL within 24 hours of placing your order to reserve the item. Send proof of payment to
Once an order has been placed – orders can not be cancelled within 10 days before the sale.
If proof of payment is not received within 24 hours, the item(s) will be put back up for sale. Please be sure to use the order number and your name as a reference when making payment.
SellnBuy SA are sellers' agents only.
All items are second-hand and are sold "as is", i.e. voetstoots. This means that neither we nor the seller are liable for any unknown latent (hidden) defects. Nor is there liability for visible defects, as you must check the condition of an item before purchasing it. Please test an electrical item prior to purchasing it, to ensure that it works.
In view of the aforegoing, no refunds are provided.
If you have purchased an item via our website and you're unable to make it to a sale, please arrange for a friend or family member to collect the item/s you have purchased, unless you have made a prior arrangement with us to collect on another day.
Unfortunately, if an item is not collected at the sale or as otherwise arranged, then the item may no longer be available, in which case you will not be entitled to a refund, as items are not stored or necessarily retained after the sale.
We do not hold auction sales. All items are priced, and prices are sometimes negotiable.
No access will be allowed to the premises before the sale day. Entrance to the sale is on a "first come first served" basis, unless you specially arrange with SellnBuy SA to collect early.
When buying an item, please remove the price ticket and take it to the person in charge to pay.
Please do not remove any ticket if you are not sure you will purchase the item. Items purchased must be paid in full and checked out by our security staff before being removed.
We cannot guarantee that all items will be available on the day, as they may be withdrawn without notice by the seller.
Right of admission is reserved.
Breakages will be charged for.
Theft or fraud will be prosecuted. No bags or jackets are allowed into the sale.
Please contact Cindy on 079 950 3245, a franchisee in your area, or email